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Preliminary scientific programme

The sessions and titles are intended as preliminary. The definitive programme will be published soon.

Sirio (Room 1)
Vega (Room 2)

Tuesday 12 November


Opening session

Plenary lecture
Cristina Nuccetelli

Coffee break

Current scientific developments and challenges for the application of environmental radiological protection

Dosimetry in extreme situations

Tech Sharing Corner


 Patients exposure regarding medical applications

Progress in radiation protection research related to radon and NORM

Planned and existing exposure of workers due to artificial radiation in normal operational conditions

Coffee break

 Patients exposure regarding medical applications

Tech Sharing Corner


Progress in radiation protection research related to radon and NORM

Welcome party


Wednesday 13 November

Plenary lecture
Christophe Badie

 Debate on future of low dose research

Coffee break

Round table: situation in Ukraine


Biological and health effects of low dose exposure

Patient/operator medical dosimetry

Tech Sharing Corner

Coffee break

Biological and health effects of low dose exposure

PIANOFORTE - Building a Collaborative Future for radiation protection: Integrating Community Efforts and Open Call Successes

Exposure of members of the public, workers and environment following a major nuclear or radiological accident or incident

Conference dinner


Thursday 14 November

Plenary lecture

Patients exposure regarding medical applications

Exposure of members of the public and environment with regards to legacy, waste management and decommissioning issues

Tech Sharing Corner

Coffee break

Beyond the silo: Union programmes and priorities that intersect with radiation protection research and how to put synergies into practice


Debate on skin dosimetry 

Biological effects of low dose exposure during medical applications

Cosmic radiation

Coffee break

Revolutioning radiation protection with AI

Closing remarks

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